The “Average” iLearn Student

With Great Freedom Comes Great Diversity

Many students enjoy the freedom that a self-paced lifestyle brings. iLearn students have the freedom to take their education and steer it towards their personal learning style. Which means, the “average” student is not very average after all.

Whether that means taking specialty courses to master a topic, or using our flexible school structure to get hands-on experience (while learning virtually), we are here to help you meet your education needs while you run your life.

Freedom and flexibility attract many types of students. To get a sense of the types of students we find in our online classes, we have summarized some of the types of students we find in our online classes.


The “Average” iLearn Student

The Keener

This student is university driven and will only progress to a test when they are confident they mastered the content. This student takes advantage of course upgrades, test redos, and uses summer school to get ahead. At the end of the day, as long as their GPA is high, this student is happy.

The Speedster

This student wants to minimize the amount of time it takes to finish each class by speeding through the content. Though this may work in the short term, some students who try this end up burning out quickly. That said, other student shave completed entire courses in just a few weeks.

The Go-With-The-Flow

This student is not picky and chooses to follow a standard schedule recommended by their teacher. The main driver for this student is to avoid falling behind.

The Last-Minute Stretch(er)

This student think they can complete nearly the entire course in the final days and weeks before the course deadline. The reality is that this student often pushes themselves too far to make it happen (hence, “stretcher”). Although these students neglect their course(s) all year and rush to push it passed the finish line, some last-minute stretch(ers) do finish. However, this technique is ill-advised.

The Employee

Some students have jobs to balance while finishing their diplomas. The employee needs special attention as they need to accommodate both their bosses AND their teachers’ demands. This student values balance as they push through school work when their work schedule is light and vice-versa.

The Specialist

Specialists such as athletes and musicians devote many hours to becoming excellent in their craft. These students use online classes to learn during resting hours, or between practice sessions.

The Career-Ready Student

This is a student who is convinced they know what they want. Whether that’s becoming a photographer, pilot, teacher, doctor, carpenter, or actor, this student will take all the courses possible that will help with their intended future career.

The Community Maximizer

This person is highly involved in the community and wants school to be a part of what they already do. This can be earning PE credits for participating on sport teams, learning coding while building websites for local non-profits, taking entrepreneurship while starting a business, and/or learning design while practicing your art. Whatever you do, maximize your time by taking a class while you build real-life experience. In some cases, you may even get course credit for some of your out-of-school activities! (ask your teacher).

The Slacker

The slacker wants school to take the least amount of effort to achieve a satisfactory performance. This student is driven to maximize free time and avoid stress. Some slackers hold a consistently sluggish pace all semester while others become last-minute stretch(ers) and pull things together at the end. Please do not be a slacker.


What’s Your Type?

What type of student are you? Do you need another category?

This is just for fun. We offer students the flexibility to control their schedule and, as a result, there are endless “types” of students who take online classes.