Summer School Online: What To Expect For The 2021 Summer Session

What You Need To Know About Summer School
Summer school (Summer Session) is an opportunity to complete a full high school course in only six weeks. This is great for students who are trying to get ahead or those who need to catch up. This year’s online summer school starts on Monday, July 5th and ends on Friday, Aug 13th.
iLearn Summer School Program
Our 2021 Summer Session will be run entirely online with all curriculum, teacher meetings, and exams completed from home. All grades 8-12 students in B.C. are eligible to take summer school courses. Not all courses are available in the condensed summer format. Though, we do have many of the most requested courses available for science, math, socials, and English for grades 8-12. See the summer school page for the complete list of courses offered this year.
Who is this for?
Summer courses are great for students who need to catch up, want to get ahead, or want to focus on one class at a time.
How much work is a summer school course?
Courses are condensed so although it’s only six weeks, students are expected to complete many of the same assignments and units as a regular course, with a few exceptions.
You will have to work on your course a bit almost every school day. Course difficulty will depend on the course chosen and whether you are retaking the course, or taking it for the first time. Students who are retaking a course can usually move through content a little faster.
Is summer school worth it?
Summer school students find if they stay on top of things, a simple study routine is all that’s needed.
For students who are catching up, summer school online is even better because students can take their time on the units that need the most attention. This way students can fully comprehend a topic before moving forward. This alone can greatly improve your chances of earning a good grade in the course.
For students who require good grades for university admissions, it can sometimes be a benefit to drop a course when your test grades start to slip beyond control and re-enroll for the next semester instead. In this case, summer school can help keep you on track. See our posts on falling behind and catching up to learn more.
Plus, just think, if you take one summer school course every year, then you could complete your diploma one semester sooner!
Can I take more than one course?
Taking two courses is permitted, but it is not advised for most students as it will double the workload.
What makes the iLearn summer school different?
Our school is digital by design. We have offered summer school online for years, and every year we work to improve the student experience. Our teachers work hard to return handed-in work within 1-2 weeks and are available until 7pm many evenings to help students. Check out our post on what an online high school courses looks like.
Are You Ready To Get Started?
Online Summer School courses are available for students in grade 8, grade 9, grades 10, 11, and 12. The 2021 Summer School starts on July 5th. Reserve your seat early to save a spot in the course! See the courses available or check your eligibility to get started.
Is Summer School not for you? You can enroll in regular courses at any time. Download our Course Catalogue to see all the courses we offer.