Grade 12 Online Course in BC:

When freedom intersects with life plans.


Grade 12 Overview

The Grade 12 year of high school is a crucial time to prepare for post-secondary, and life after graduation. Take control of your education and enjoy the freedom online learning brings. You have the opportunity to learn life skills in the form of time management and accountability, while you explore your passions with over 50 course options available.

Courses We Offer

Online curriculum, progressive course options, and a personalized learning plan allows our teachers to focus on a student-centered teaching style. By offering all resources digitally, students have 24/7 access to their educational content.

See Graduation Requirements

3D Modeling 12

Are you interested in a career in technology? Are you curious about working in fields like virtual reality, video game design, marketing, television and motion pictures, or digital imaging? If so, this course in 3D Modeling is a great place to start as it is the foundation for all these career paths. Gain a deeper understanding of graphic design and illustration as you use 3D animation software to create virtual three-dimensional design projects. Hone in on your drawing, photography, and 3D construction techniques and develop the skills needed to navigate within a 3D digital modeling workspace. This course is an excellent introduction to careers in the fast-growing field of technology and design.

Course Highlights

  • let your imagination run wild while rendering your own 3D models
  • discover how 3D modeling contributes to various industries
  • develop a deeper understanding about the growing 3D modeling career opportunities
  • learn how 3D modeling enhances the world of video games and animation
African American History 12

Over the course of U.S. history, how have African Americans helped shaped American culture? This African American History course answers that question by tracing the accomplishments and obstacles of African Americans beginning with the slave trade on up to the modern Civil Rights movement. What was it like during slavery, or after emancipation, or during the years of discrimination under Jim Crow? Who were some of the main figures who have shaped African American history? In this course, you’ll learn about the political, economic, social, religious, and cultural factors that have influenced African American life, come face to face with individuals who changed the course of history, and explore how the African American story still influences current events today.

Course Highlights

  • learn about the African societies and family histories that were torn apart by the slave trade
  • trace the effects of the slave trade in the forming of the United States
  • see other ways African Americans have laid their lives down for their country, even when that country was not respecting them
  • recognize the key players in the Civil Rights Movement
  • set the Obama presidency as a milestone in historical context; see what current strides and struggles African Americans are facing
  • analyze what the Black Lives Matter movement and other movements say about race relations in contemporary society
Anatomy & Physiology 12

Building on the prior prerequisite course, students will examine the form and function of even more body systems. Students will learn about the structure, function, and interrelation between the lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and the endocrine systems. The reproductive system is also discussed along with hereditary traits and genetics. Finally, students will explore the importance of accurate patient documentation as well as technology used in the industry.

Course Highlights

  • explore the structure and function of body systems and how they work together
  • discover what can go wrong with the body systems
  • investigate the skills for assessing health and documenting the data while protecting the privacy of patients
  • explore today’s health professions while appreciating how earlier contributions have made healthcare what it is today
Anthropology 12

Prerequisite: Anthropology 11

How does your culture influence you? Find out how different locations shape various cultures and, in turn, how these cultures shape people’s lives around the world – from the jungles of the Amazon to the islands of Indonesia. Anthropology 12: More Human Mysteries Uncovered provides a fascinating look at this puzzle of culture. Many of our ancient cultures and languages were shaped by the geographical locations of our ancestors, and in this course, you will begin to visualize new ideas about how ancient cultures flourished through examining their views on life, death, art, and survival. In looking back and learning about cultures through the ages, we are better equipped to understand the world around us today.

Course Highlights

  • investigate how art is shaped and how it shapes culture
  • discuss the research methods anthropologists use in studying people around the world
  • explore the human life course and cultural approaches to death and dying
  • learn more about specific cultures around the world, such as the Maasai
Archaeology 12

The famous Spanish philosopher and writer George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” We know from studying history how true this statement is, and the age-old field of archaeology helps us to better understand, through discovery and analysis, how ancient civilizations have shaped the modern world. This fascinating course, Archaeology 12: Detectives of the Past, explores the various techniques, methods, and theories of this field and illustrates how archaeologists conduct their studies. What is it like to uncover precious artifacts? How are they located and preserved? Find the answer to these questions and more as you learn how ancient discoveries can unlock the secrets of a long and colorful past.

Course Highlights

  • explore the beginnings of human culture
  • discover how archaeologists use ancient artifacts to learn more about the cultures they came from
  • investigate how archaeologists conduct research
  • examine how ancient artifacts are recovered and preserved
Bhangra 12

Prerequisite: Bhangra 11

This course is a continuation of Bhangra 11. The movements learned in the previous course are reviewed in an in-depth, more critical manner. New movements are taught. It is an intermediate/advanced level course with a focus on performance and choreography. Students will learn more complex movements and formations, as well as the use of props and other crucial elements of a strong performance. Bhangra 12 students will:

  • Explore meaning in a variety of dance compositions
  • Use composition skills to create, critically refine, rehearse, and perform a choreographed dance
  • Express personal experiences, cultural identity, and values through dance
  • Explore educational, personal, and professional opportunities in dance or related fields
Business Computer Applications 12

Become familiar with information management in business. Learn about the requirements to start a business, and examine business finances, marketing, sales, and customer service. Lastly students will explore word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation software, computer hardware, networks, and web design.

Course Highlights

  • learn to meet project goals through collaboration and team communication
  • visualize documents by applying your knowledge of document design
  • think of your spreadsheets as another form of communication
  • imagine what your advantage will look like in the global marketplace
Career Life Connections (CLC)

Prerequisite: Career-Life Education 10

Everyone has a place in society and career exploration is vital to finding the right fit for your skills and life aspirations. In this course students are expected to learn how to set goals and explore jobs in the community. Some topics in this course includes the following:

  • mentorship opportunities
  • self-advocacy strategies
  • strategies for personal well-being and work-life balance
  • employment marketing strategies
  • rights and regulations in the workplace, including safety
  • social capital and transferable skills, including intercultural, leadership, and collaboration skills
  • diverse post-graduation possibilities, including personal, educational, and work options
  • labour market trends and local and global influences on career-life choices
  • post-graduation budget planning
  • capstone guidelines
Criminology 12

Understanding the criminal mind is not easy. Why do certain people commit horrible acts? Can we ever begin to understand their reasoning and motivation? Perhaps. In Criminology 12: Inside the Criminal Mind, you will be given the rare opportunity to climb inside the mind of a criminal and examine the ideas and motivations at work. The mental state of a criminal can be affected by many different aspects of life-psychological, biological, sociological-all of which have differing perspectives and influences. You will investigate not only how these variables affect the criminal mind but also how the criminal justice system remains committed to upholding the law through diligence and an uncompromising process.

Course Highlights

  • analyze the factors that influence crime and the criminal justice system
  • investigate how crimes and criminals are handled in the criminal justice system
  • explore why people commit crimes
  • examine the consequences of crime for individuals and society
Dhol 12

Prerequisite: Dhol 11

This course is a continuation of Dhol 11. The beats, rhythms, and techniques learned in the previous course are reviewed and expanded on while new beats and sounds are also learned. This is an intermediate level course with a stronger focus on technique and stamina, both of which are crucial to the progression of a Dhol musician. Composition and performance are also a key focus of this course. Throughout the course students will:

  • Analyze styles of music to inform musical decisions
  • Document and compile resources that inform musical interpretation
  • Evaluate the relationships between the arts, culture, and society
  • Collaborate to express personal voice, cultural identity, and perspective through music
Digital Photography 12

Prerequisite: Digital Photography 11

In today’s world, we are surrounded by images. We are continually seeing photographs as they appear in advertisements, on websites, in magazines, and on billboards; they even adorn our walls at home. While many of these images have been created by professional photographers, it is possible for your photos to take on a more professional look after you discover how to increase your creative potential. In Digital Photography 12: Discovering Your Creative Potential, you will examine various aspects of the field including specialty areas, ethics, and famous photographers throughout history. You will also learn how to effectively critique photographs so you can better understand composition and go on to create more eye-catching photographs on your own.

Course Highlights

  • try your hand at capturing events and situations like a photojournalist
  • examine darkroom techniques and practice using photo-editing software
  • investigate and practice some areas of professional photography, such as product photographs and special-event photography
  • explore photography as a career option
Economics 12

We all know money is important in life. But how important? In fact, the financial decisions you make today may have a lasting effect on your future. Rather than feeling anxious about money feel empowered by learning how to make smart decisions! Economics 12: Personal and Family Finance will begin the conversation around how to spend and save your money wisely, investing in safe opportunities and the days ahead. Learning key financial concepts around taxes, credit, and money management will provide both understanding and confidence as you begin to navigate your own route to future security. Discover how education, career choices, and financial planning can lead you in the right direction to making your life simpler, steadier, and more enjoyable.

Course Highlights

  • examine credit and learn how to use credit wisely
  • explore how to better control your money and avoid money problems
  • create a plan to reach your financial goals
  • learn about different types of banks and how taxes will affect you
Entrepreneurship 12

What does it really take to own your own business? Does the sound of being your own boss make you feel excited or anxious? Either way, Entrepreneurship 12: Starting Your Business will get you started in the right direction. This course explains the ins and outs of such an enterprise, giving you the confidence needed to be your very own boss. You will discover what is needed to operate a personal business from creating a plan, generating financing, and pricing products to marketing services and managing employees. If you’ve ever dreamed of being a true entrepreneur but feel daunted by the prospect, this is your chance to learn all you need to know.

Course Highlights

  • create a business plan and explore the financial obligations of businesses
  • examine the characteristics and skills needed to run your own business
  • explore different types of businesses and their legal requirements
  • consider the legal, political, and social factors that influence businesses
Forensics 12

Prerequisite: Forensics 11

Fingerprints. Blood spatter. DNA analysis. The world of law enforcement is increasingly making use of the techniques and knowledge from the sciences to better understand the crimes that are committed and to catch those individuals responsible for the crimes. Forensic science applies scientific knowledge to the criminal justice system. This course focuses on some of the techniques and practices used by forensic scientists during a crime scene investigation (CSI). Starting with how clues and data are recorded and preserved, the student will follow evidence trails until the CSI goes to trial, examining how various elements of the crime scene are analyzed and processed.

Course Highlights

  • investigate how forensic scientists analyze evidence for information about crimes
  • learn more about what information can be gained from human remains, physical evidence, and burned materials
  • examine how forensic scientists recognize and preserve physical evidence
  • explore how forensic scientists investigate crime scenes
Genocide Studies 12: History of the Holocaust

Prerequisite: Social Studies 10

“Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed.”Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, wrote these words about his experiences in a Nazi concentration camp. History of the Holocaust will take you through the harrowing details of anti-Semitism, the power of the Nazi party, the persecution of European Jews and other groups, and the tremendous aftermath for everyone involved in World War II. You’ll explore the causes of the Holocaust, the experiences of Jews and other individuals during this time, and what has been done to combat genocide since WWII. “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.”

Course Highlights

  • examine the factors that contributed to the start of the Holocaust
  • learn about the “Final Solution” and the impact it had on the groups included
  • learn about life in the ghettos and concentration camps
  • investigate the liberation of the concentration camps and the aftermath of the Holocaust
Great Minds in Science 12

Sometimes there are simply more questions than answers. Does life exist on other planets? How extreme is the human ability to survive? Will the issue of global warming ever be solved? Today, scientists, explorers, and writers are working to answer such questions by using extensive inquiry to find innovative solutions. Similar to such famous minds from history as Edison, Einstein, Curie, and Newton, the scientists of today are finding ways to revolutionize our lives and the world. Great Minds in Science: Ideas for a New Generation takes an in-depth look at the extraordinary work of these individuals and demonstrates how their ideas may very well shape the world of tomorrow.

Course Highlights

  • look to the future to see how emerging science and technologies will help protect and sustain humans
  • travel from the depths of the ocean into space with some of the world’s more innovative scientists
  • explore some of the world’s more extreme environments and learn what they have to teach us
  • ask big questions and look for answers with some of the greatest minds in science
Health Science 12: Public Health

What is public health? Who is in control of our health systems and who decides which diseases get funding and which do not? What are the human and environmental reasons for health inequality? Health Science 12: Public Health answers all of these questions and more. You will study both infectious and non-communicable diseases as well as learn how we conquer these on a community and global level through various methods, including proper hygiene, sanitation, and nutrition. Explore the role current and future technologies play worldwide as well as consider the ethics and governance of health on a global scale. Discover unique career opportunities, and fascinating real-life situations.

Course Highlights

  • explore how healthcare systems and inequity play a role in global health
  • learn about programs in countries around the world to solve global health problems using handwashing, nutrition, and maternal and child health
  • explore careers in global health, and learn the education required, typical salaries, and more
History 12

Prerequisite: Social Studies 10

Understand the major events of the twentieth century, beginning with the treaties that ended World War I and ending with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. You will explore how to ensure historical information is accurate and present logical arguments based on knowledge of the events.

Hospitality and Tourism 12

Prerequisite: Hospitality and Tourism 11

Building upon the prior prerequisite course, students will embark on their journey to becoming managers in the hotel and restaurant industry by gaining knowledge and developing a variety of skills. Students will learn of different management styles, laws, and regulations that govern hotels and restaurants as well as how to develop job descriptions and business plans. In addition, students will learn how to create menus, advertise vacancies, perform interviews, and understand financials of the hotel or restaurant.

Course Highlights

  • explore how to meet the varied demands faced by hospitality managers
  • discover how to make solid hiring decisions and create dynamic teams
  • consider the many departments involved in the Hospitality business
  • create innovative marketing tools to give your hospitality business an edge
Law Studies 12

Prerequisite: Social Studies 10

A strong understanding of the legal landscape in Canada is extremely helpful in business and everyday life. Knowing your rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms can aid in future dealings with law enforcement, the court system, or everyday situations. In this course, students are expected to learn the following:

  • the Constitution of Canada and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • structures and powers of the federal and provincial courts and administrative tribunals
  • key areas of law such as criminal law, civil law, and family, children’s, and youth law
  • Canadian legislation concerning First Peoples
  • indigenous legal orders and traditional laws in Canada and other global jurisdictions
  • Canada’s correctional system and principles of rehabilitation, punishment, and restoration
  • structures and roles of global dispute resolution agencies and courts
Marine Science 12

This course satisfies the Specialized Science 12 requirements.

Have you ever wondered about the secrets of the deep, and how the creatures below the ocean’s surface live and thrive? It is truly a new frontier of discovery, and in Marine Science you will begin to better understand the aquatic cycles, structures, and processes that generate and sustain life in the sea. Through the use of scientific inquiry, research, measurement, and problem solving, you will conduct various scientific procedures that will lead to an increased level of knowledge about Marine Science. You will also have the opportunity to use technology and laboratory instruments in an academic setting. By recognizing the inherent ethics and safety procedures necessary in advanced experiments, you will become progressively more confident in your abilities as a capable marine scientist.

Learning Objectives

  • define marine science
  • describe the development of oceans
  • explain different movements in plate tectonics and their results
  • discuss the scientific method
  • differentiate between a hypothesis and a theory
Mathematics 12 – Foundations

Prerequisite: Foundations of Mathematics 11 OR Pre-Calculus 11

Mathematics is a skill valued highly no matter where you live or what time you lived. A strong understanding of mathematical principles will be valuable throughout one’s life. Included in this course are the following topics: 

  • geometric explorations in constructions, conics, fractals
  • graphical representations of polynomial, logarithmic, exponential, and sinusoidal functions
  • regression analysis
  • combinatorics
  • odds, probability, and expected value
  • financial planning
Medical Terminology 12

Prerequisite: Medical Terminology 11

Discover interactive case studies and the medical terminology associated with more body systems to increase your ability to master prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Connect this language to real-world patients and clinical settings through practical applications and specific scenarios.

Mythology and Folklore 12

Prerequisite: English 10

This course can satisfy the Literary Studies 11 requirement or be taken as a grade 12 elective.

Since the beginning of time, people have gathered around fires to tell stories of angry gods, harrowing journeys, cunning animals, horrible beasts, and the mighty heroes who vanquished them. Mythology and folklore have provided a way for these colorful stories to spring to life for thousands of years. Mythology and Folklore 12: Legendary Tales will illustrate how these famous anecdotes have helped humans make sense of the world. Beginning with an overview of mythology and different types of folklore, you will journey with age-old heroes as they slay dragons, outwit gods, defy fate, fight endless battles, and outwit clever monsters with strength and courage. You’ll explore the universality and social significance of myths and folklore and see how these powerful tales continue to shape society even today.

Course Highlights

  • explore myths and folklore, including Greek gods like Poseidon
  • investigate modern myths and legends
  • examine the use and symbolism of animals in mythology and folklore
Philosophy 12

Prerequisite: Social Studies 10

Go on an exciting adventure covering over 2,500 years of history! Along the way, you’ll run into some very strange characters, like the dirty barefoot man who hung out on street corners pestering everyone with questions, or that eccentric fellow who climbed inside a stove to think about whether he existed. Despite their odd behavior, these and other philosophers of the Western world are among the world’s most brilliant and influential thinkers and originated the fundamental ideas of Western civilization. Philosophy 12: The Big Picture asks some of the same questions these great thinkers pondered, so by the time you’ve “closed the book” on this course, you will better understand yourself and the world around you – from atoms to outer space and everything in between.

Course Highlights

  • ask the big questions along with philosophers throughout history
  • trace the development of philosophy in the Western world from the ancients to modern philosophers
  • learn more about the lives, thoughts, and ideas of famous philosophers through history
  • examine how Western philosophy has affected government, law, and society
Product Design & Innovation 12

Think about the last time you visited your favorite store. Now picture the infinite number of products you saw. Have you ever wondered how those things made it to the shelves? Whether it’s video games, clothing, or sports equipment, the goods we purchase must go through a manufacturing process before they can be marketed and sold. In Introduction to Product Design and Innovation 12, you will learn about different types of manufacturing systems as well as career opportunities, including engineers, technicians, and supervisors. As a culminating project, you will plan your own manufacturing process and create an entirely original product! If you thought manufacturing meant mundane assembly lines, this course will show you how exciting, creative, and practical this industry can be.

Psychology 12

Prerequisite: Psychology 11

Explore how we learn and remember. If you’ve ever wanted to dive right into the depths of who you are and how you got to be you, this course will start your exploration. In this course you will investigate some common mental illnesses and their treatments and examine the impact of stress on our emotions and mental health.

Course Highlights

  • explore how we learn and remember. Investigate some common mental illnesses and their treatments
  • examine the impact of stress on our emotions and mental health
  • learn more about what influences your personality and emotions
Renewable Technologies 12

Cars that run on used vegetable oil. Electricity produced from your garbage. A windmill made from spare bicycle parts that pumps water to crops. Energy is life. So, how do we address the world’s growing concerns about energy sources? Where will it come from in the future? How can energy be something sustainable, renewable, and accessible? Renewable Technologies 12 begins to uncover the development of new energy technologies and explores how recent approaches to generating, storing, and creating this precious resource have evolved. By gaining a larger understanding of this challenge, we, as thoughtful people, can implement real change and unlock the solution needed for a safer, cleaner, and more enduring world.

Course Highlights

  • explore the different types of alternative, renewable technologies
  • discover how consumer behaviors and government policies influence energy production around the world
  • investigate how different technologies can be used to produce electricity
  • compare the advantages and disadvantages of traditional and alternative energies
Sociology 12

Prerequisite: Sociology 11 AND Social Studies 10

This course satisfies Comparative Cultures 12 requirements. 

Why do people disagree on so many big issues? Where do culture wars come from? Maybe you’ve wondered this as you’ve looked through your social media feed or read the latest online article about groups fighting over different social issues. Sociology 12: Your Social Life takes a powerful look at how social institutions like families, religion, government, and education shape our world and how collective behavior and social movements can create change. Although the reality of the battles isn’t always pretty, gaining a clearer picture of the different sides can help you better understand how our lives are shaped by entertainment, social institutions, and social change.

Course Highlights

  • explore how social change can happen in society
  • analyze the effects of cities, population growth, and urban life on society
  • examine the benefits and effects of sports and entertainment
  • investigate the influence of religion, education, and other organizations on society
The Lord of the Rings 12

Prerequisite: English 10

This course can satisfy the Literary Studies 11 requirement or be taken as a grade 12 elective.

Hobbits, Orcs, wizards, dashing knights, and powerful elves are all part of the magic created in J.R.R. Tolkien’s famously epic tale, The Lord of the Rings. For years, the vivid characters within this beloved story could exist only in the “reader minds”until it was adapted into a movie that allowed fans to finally see, through the eyes of Hollywood magic and brilliant technology, the manifestation of these characters onscreen. What does it take to transport these well-known images like Gollum and the Shire from dusty pages to the giant screen? In The Lord of the Rings 12: An Exploration of the Films & Its Literary Influences, you will see first-hand how classic literature can become modern film and bring the fantasy alive for a whole new generation of believers.

Course Highlights

  • explore Tolkien’s writing, themes, and impacts
  • examine the fantasy genre and its place in Tolkien’s work
  • discover the challenges of adapting a book to the big screen
  • analyze influences such as the Arthurian legends on Tolkien’s works
Women’s Studies 12

Maybe you grew up watching movies with female characters like Cinderella, Belle, Snow White, or Ariel. Maybe you’ve wondered why there are stereotypes about women being bad drivers or ignorant about sports. Maybe you want to know about feminism and the women’s movement. Women’s Studies 12: A Personal Journey Through Film can help you answer these questions. Though it focuses on the experience of women, it’s appropriate for anyone who wants to learn to critically examine films while learning about the history of the women’s movement and how gender, race, and social class influence us. Women have earned their right to stand up and be recognized as equal partners and reap the benefits of their hard work. As the anonymous quote goes, “History is Herstory too.”

Course Highlights

  • trace the history of the women’s movement
  • consider how socialization and stratification influence children
  • critically analyze popular films for women’s studies themes
  • explore the effects of stereotypes on men and women in society
Active Living 12

Prerequisite: Active Living 11

An appreciation for physical activity will better allow students to understand the connection between the body and mind. PE can enhance our connection to one another through sports and other shared activities. This course emcompasses topics in healthy choices influencing physical and emotional wellbeing. There are required hours of physical activity that need to be logged and monitored in order to receive credits for this course. Some topics included in this course include the following: 

  • the role of nutrition and how it can affect health and performance
  • potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions
  • benefits of physical activities for health and mental well-being
  • physical activity safety and etiquette
  • injury prevention and management
  • proper physical movement patterns, including non-locomotor, locomotor, and manipulative skills
  • ways to monitor and adjust physical exertion levels
  • rules and guidelines for different types of sports and activities
  • recreational resources available in the community
Agriculture and Natural Resources 12

Prerequisite: Science 10

Discover the changing face of today’s agriculture and its continued importance in our lives. In this course, you will gain a stronger sense of how food ends up on the plate and how we can maximize the foods and natural resources the earth provides. You’ll learn more about agriculture’s history, animal husbandry, plant science, and natural resources.

Course Highlights

  • discover the changing face of today’s agriculture and its continued importance in our lives
  • examine emerging trends in agriculture, food production, and natural resources
  • investigate the use of technology in agriculture and food production
  • explore how we can feed the world and manage our natural resources
Animation 12

Do you wonder what it would be like to create the next blockbuster animated movie or do you want to make the next big video game? Do you have an eye for drawing, technology, and timing? If so, Animation is the course for you! You will learn how to use animation tools to conceptualize and bring your creations to life. You’ll learn the ins and outs of creating 2D and 3D animation, from start to finish. You’ll even begin working on our own design portfolio and get hands on experience with creating your own animation projects. Learning about Animation could lead to a thriving career in the growing world of technology and animation.

Course Highlights

  • explore the many career opportunities in the animation industry
  • create your own animations and see your work come alive on the screen
  • learn about the different uses for animation
  • discover various animation techniques and how they have evolved over time
Applied Engineering 12

Technology has changed the world around us by pursuing technological solutions to everyday problems. Discover the history of engineering and how technology has shaped society. Learn how electricity, electronic systems, magnets, and circuits work.

Astronomy 12

Prerequisite: Science 10

This course satisfies the Specialized Science 12 requirements

Building upon the prior prerequisite course, this course presents a variety of subjects that allow the student to become more familiar with the universe. Students will explore the solar system, the sun, comets, asteroids, and meteors as well as become familiar with the concepts of space travel and settlements. Students will also examine the life cycle of stars and the properties of planets.

Course Highlights

  • explore the future of space travel
  • learn what it’s like to live and work in space
  • investigate how comets, asteroids, and meteorites influence life on earth
  • learn about our closest star, the sun, and the role it plays in our solar system
Biotechnology 12

Prerequisite: Biotechnology 11

Building on the prior prerequisite course, expand your knowledge in the field of biotechnology. Explore the discovery of antibiotics and the concerns of antibiotic resistance while also examining the agricultural, pharmaceutical, ad genetic applications of biotechnology. Finally, learn about the future of biotechnology to understand the depth and breadth of this field.

Course Highlights

  • listen to audio summaries that bring the course content to life
  • understand the role that ethics and public policy play in biotechnology
  • learn about the drivers of innovation in biotechnology that will help shape the future
  • discover recent advances in pharmaceutical biotechnology, including new types of drugs and cancer treatments
Calculus 12

Prerequisite: Mathematics 12 – Pre-Calculus

Only available in Digital Learning (DL) format.

The more math you take, the more money you make. This old saying often rings true because a strong foundation in mathematics prepares students for careers in science, technology, and engineering among other important professions. In this course, students cover the following concepts:

  • functions and graphs
  • left and right limits
  • limits to infinity
  • continuity
  • rate of change
  • differentiation rules
  • approximations 
  • fundamental theorem of calculus 
  • methods of integration
Chemistry 12

Prerequisite: Chemistry 11

Reactions occur everyday among the elements that surround us. A strong background in Chemistry allows students to understand interactions at the molecular level and use that knowledge anywhere from food processing, energy, and countless other areas. By the end of the course, students should have an understanding of the following:

  • reaction rate
  • collision theory
  • energy change during a chemical reaction
  • Le Châtelier’s principle and equilibrium shift
  • equilibrium constant (Keq)
  • saturated solutions and solubility product (Ksp)
  • relative strength of acids and bases in solution
  • hydrolysis of ions in salt solutions
  • applications of acid-base reactions
  • the oxidation-reduction process
  • electrochemical cells
  • electrolytic cells
Cybersecurity 12

Prerequisite: Cybersecurity 11

Ever wonder what it’s like to be a hacker? Or think about who is trying to steal your passwords while you’re shopping online using the free Wi-Fi at your local coffee shop? Unmask the cybersecurity threats around you by understanding hackers and identifying weaknesses in your online behavior. Learn to avoid the various types of cyber attacks, including those to your social media accounts, and to predict the potential legal consequences of sharing or accessing information that you do not have rights to. Dig into these crimes in depth by taking a look at cyber forensics and other cybersecurity careers. In a world where such threats have no boundaries, cybersecurity will undoubtedly play an increasingly larger role in our personal and professional lives in the years to come.

Course Highlights

  • strategize ways to launch your cyber career
  • anticipate how your online movement will be monitored by hackers
  • forge a personal protocol for the internet and beyond
  • take a critical look at your online behavior and lifestyle
Digital Media Fundamentals 12

Prerequisite: Digital Media Fundamentals 11

Create a website that incorporates video, audio, text, graphics, and interactive animation. Keep building digital media skills and learn all about web design, search engine optimization, and the world of podcasts and audio editing to construct a solid foundation to help pursue a career.

Early Childhood Education 12

Write a personal and professional plan for your goals and development. In this course you will learn the importance of play and use it to build engaging educational activities that build literacy and math skills through each stage of childhood and special need.

Course Highlights

  • write a personal and professional plan for your goals and development
  • create an age-appropriate lesson plan with activities
  • fun activities in each unit to help you apply what you have learned
  • develop a deeper understanding of human development
English Studies 12

Prerequisite: English 11

Preparation for literacy 12 assessment

The required English Studies 12 course builds on and extends students’ previous learning experiences and is designed for all students. In the course students will work on the following:

  • refine their ability to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts and to achieve their personal and career goals
  • think critically and creatively about the uses of language
  • explore texts from a variety of sources, in multiple modes, and that reflect diverse worldviews
  • deepen their understanding of themselves and others in a changing world
  • gain insight into the diverse factors that shape identity
  • appreciate the importance of self-representation through text
  • contribute to Reconciliation by building greater understanding of the knowledge and perspectives of First Peoples
  • expand their understanding of what it means to be educated Canadian and global citizens
Fashion Design 12

Do you have a flair for fashion? Are you constantly looking for new ways to decorate or design your room? If so, Fashion Design 12 is the course for you. Explore the world of design and begin to understand the background and knowledge needed to develop a career in this exciting field. Try your hand at designing through a project-based process, learning how color, composition, and texture can all affect great aesthetics. You’ll develop the essential communications skills necessary to build a successful business and begin to develop the kind of portfolio that will lead to future career opportunities. Perhaps it’s time to get your stylish foot in the door?

Course Highlights

  • explore the tools used in fashion design
  • develop essential communication and design skills to run a business
  • create or add to your design portfolio
  • learn the basics of color and design
Genocide Studies 12

Prerequisite: Social Studies 10

Understanding human nature is not always easy. In this course, students are taught the characteristics of a genocide and the strategies implemented to incite genocidal acts. Included in this course are the following topics:  

  • origins and development of the term “genocide”
  • economic, political, social, and cultural conditions of genocide
  • characteristics and stages of genocide
  • acts of mass violence and atrocities in different global regions
  • strategies used to commit genocide
  • use of technology in promoting and carrying out genocide
  • recognition of and responses to genocides
  • movements that deny the existence of or minimize the scope of genocides
  • evidence used to demonstrate the scale and nature of genocides
  • genocide prevention, including international law and enforcement
Gothic Literature 12

Prerequisite: English 10

This course can satisfy the Literary Studies 11 requirement or be taken as a grade 12 elective.

Vampires, ghosts, and werewolves have lived in our collective imagination since the 18th century, and they continue to influence the world of fiction even today. Gothic Literature 12: Monster Stories focuses on the major themes found in Gothic literature and demonstrates the techniques writers use to produce a thrilling psychological experience for the reader. The themes of terror versus horror, the power of the supernatural, and the struggle between good and evil are just a few of the classic Gothic subjects explored in this course. Are you brave enough to go beyond the fear and find an appreciation for the dark beauty of Gothic stories?

Course Highlights

  • connect the themes of Gothic literature to the social, political, and cultural environments in which they were created
  • explore the common themes of Gothic literature
  • gain an understanding and appreciation for the classics of dark literature
  • analyze major pieces of Gothic literature, including Dracula and Frankenstein
Health Assistant 12

Help people and make a difference in their lives. Explore your options by learning how to properly care for patients and provide the administrative needs of healthcare. Learn to prepare an exam room, schedule, bill, and document, all while solidifying your professional skills in communication, privacy, safety, and ethics.

Health Science 12: Nursing

Nursing is an in-demand career, perfect for someone looking for a rewarding and challenging vocation in the healthcare sector. With a strong focus on patient care, a nurse must be skilled in communication, promoting wellness, and understanding safety in the workplace. In Health Science 12: Nursing, you will explore communication and ethics, anatomy and physiology, and the practice of nursing. Learn how to build relationships with individuals, families, and communities and how to develop wellness strategies for your patients. From emergency to rehabilitative care to advances and challenges in the healthcare industry, discover how you can launch a fulfilling career providing care to others.

Course Highlights

  • explore the many career opportunities in nursing
  • learn about the structure, systems, and workings of the human body
  • learn how to communicate with patients, their families, and coworkers
  • discover how to stop the spread of disease
History of Punjab 12

Prerequisite: History of Punjab 11

History of Punjab 12 is a continuation of the History of Punjab 11 course. Students will use historical inquiry processes to ask questions, gather and analyze data, and then communicate their findings. They will assess how underlying conditions and the actions of individuals or groups impact events, decisions and developments. They will be expected to make reasoned ethical judgements related to controversial actions that happened in the past. The course will cover the following periods:

  • The colonial period
  • Independence and Partition
  • Indian Punjab since independence
Human Geography 12

Prerequisite: Social Studies 10

Understanding human migration patterns and the effects of globalism allows us to understand civilization better. Through the course, some topic mentioned will include the following:  

  • demographic patterns of growth, decline, and movement
  • relationships between cultural traits, use of physical space, and impacts on the environment
  • relationship between First Peoples and the environment
  • global agricultural practices
  • industrialization, trade, and natural resource demands
  • factors behind increased urbanization and its influence on societies and environments
  • relationships between natural resources and patterns of population settlement and economic development
  • political organization of geographic regions
Life and Health Management 12

Imagine the healthiest people you know . . . what’s their secret? While some health traits are genetically determined, the truth is we all have the ability to make positive changes in our physical lives. In Life and Health Management 12, you will learn how to promote better health by decreasing stress and finding a fuller vision of your life. Explore different lifestyle choices that can influence your overall health, from positively interacting with others, to choosing quality health care, to making sensible dietary choices. You will have the opportunity to build your own plan for improvement and learn how to create the type of environment that will ensure your overall health, happiness, and well-being.

Course Highlights

  • evaluate your health and what you can do to improve it
  • evaluate how the environment impacts your health
  • create a plan to reduce your stress and increase your wellbeing
  • explore the connections between your physical, mental, and social health
Marketing 12

Prerequisite: Marketing Foundations 11

Find out how business and marketing works. Without a solid understanding of business and international marketing strategy, it becomes nearly impossible to be successful and stand out from the crowd. In this course, you will learn about regulations, market research, marketing plans, global trends, buying and selling internationally, and more.

Course Highlights

  • explore the ins-and-outs of product and service development and planning
  • uncover the secrets of promotion and advertising
  • become a pricing pro in the marketing mix
  • understand the symbiotic relationship between entrepreneurship and human relations
  • learn the employability skills needed for a successful career in marketing
Mathematics 12 – Pre-Calculus

Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus 11

The more math you take, the more money you make. This old saying often rings true because a strong foundation in mathematics prepares students for careers in science, technology, and engineering among other important professions. In this course students will be taught the following topics:

  • transformations of functions and relations
  • exponential functions and equations
  • geometric sequences and series
  • logarithms: operations, functions, and equations
  • polynomial functions and equations
  • rational functions
  • trigonometry: functions, equations, and identities
Music Appreciation 12

Have you ever heard a piece of music that made you want to get up and dance? Cry your heart out? Sing at the top of your lungs? Whether pop, classical, or anything in between, music provides a powerful way for people to celebrate their humanity and connect with something larger than themselves. Music Appreciation 12: The Enjoyment of Listening not only will provide a historical perspective on music from the Middle Ages to the 21st century, but it will also teach you the essentials of how to listen and really hear (with a knowledgeable ear) the different music that’s all around you. Learning how to truly appreciate sound and melody is the best way to ensure a continued love of this delightful art form.

Course Highlights

  • investigate the development of jazz music and its influence on other genres
  • examine how music has influenced nations, communities, and individuals
  • learn more about the lives of some of the world’s greatest musicians and composers
  • explore the development of music from ancient music to today’s popular music
Nutrition and Wellness 12

Have you ever heard the phrase “your body is your temple” and wondered what it means? Keeping our physical body healthy and happy is just one of the many challenges we face, and yet, many of us don’t know how to best achieve it. Positive decisions around diet and food preparation are key to this process, and you will find the essential skills needed to pursue a healthy, informed lifestyle in Nutrition and Wellness 12. Making sure you know how to locate, buy, and prepare fresh delicious food will make you, and your body, feel amazing. Impressing your friends and family as you nourish them with your knowledge? That feels even better!

Course Highlights

  • discover how to improve your nutrition and wellness
  • use new strategies to get the best food to fuel your body
  • create delicious dishes for your family and friends
  • create safe eating, cooking, and cleaning habits in the kitchen
Physics 12

Prerequisite: Physics 11

Only available in Digital Learning (DL) format.

An understanding of scientific principles and theories allows students to better understand our position in the world and our understanding of life. Putting physics to use is a rewarding experience as students can conduct simple experiments and add further clarity to how objects and waves move around us. This course will cover some of the following topics: 

  • relative motion within a stationary reference frame
  • postulates of special relativity
  • uniform circular motion
  • First Peoples knowledge and applications of forces in traditional technologies
  • gravitational field and Newton’s law of universal gravitation
  • gravitational potential energy
  • gravitational dynamics and energy relationships
  • electric field and Coulomb’s law
  • electric potential energy, electric potential, and electric potential difference
  • electrostatic dynamics and energy relationships
  • magnetic field and magnetic force
  • electromagnetic induction
  • conservation of momentum and energy in collisions
  • graphical methods in physics
Programming 12

Prerequisite: Programming 11

Programming can solve a vast array of problems. In this course you will plan and develop a problem-solving program while testing, and debugging. Design and plan your own app as part of your capstone project to give you a thorough introduction to the world of programming and computer laws on privacy and security.

Punjabi 12

Prerequisite: Punjabi 11

Punjabi 12 is an expert level course where students analyze and compare elements of creative works from the Punjabi world. The course also focuses on responding personally to a variety of texts, including oral, written, and visual forms. Students will be expected to engage in conversations on a variety of topics, orally and in writing, as well as express themselves effectively, with fluency and accuracy. Punjabi 12 teaches increasingly complex vocabulary, sentence structures, and expressions, including:

  • Complex questions
  • Sequence of events in stories
  • Doubts, wishes, possibilities, and hypothetical situations
  • Emotions and opinions
  • Degrees of formality
  • Language formality and etiquette
Social Problems 12: Crisis, Conflicts, and Challenges

Prerequisite: Social Problems 11: A World in Crisis AND Social Studies 10

Examine the impact of problems in health care and what happens when science goes wrong and trace the development of humans as consumers and the effects this can have on our pocketbooks. In this course you will explore the global challenges we face and learn what we can do to reduce the effects of these conflicts and problems.

Course Highlights

  • trace the development of humans as consumers and the effects this can have on our pocketbooks
  • consider whether living in a global world is better for us or whether it creates bigger problems
  • examine the effects of problems in health care and what happens when science goes wrong
  • explore possible solutions to social problems
Sports & Entertainment Marketing 12

Whether you are watching a famous athlete make an unbelievable play or witnessing a sensational singing performance, the world of sports and entertainment is never boring. Although it may seem impossible for you to be a part of this glittery world, it’s not! The Sports and Entertainment Marketing field offers careers that combine entertainment with traditional marketing, but with a whole lot more glamour. Explore basic marketing principles while delving deeper into the multi billion dollar sports and entertainment industry. Learn how professional athletes, sports teams, and famous entertainers are marketed as commodities and how the savvy people who handle these deals can become very successful. This course will show you exactly how things work behind the scenes of a major entertainment event and how you can be part of the act.

Course Highlights

  • explore basic marketing principles for sports and entertainment marketing
  • analyze the common responsibilities and duties for managing and marketing large sports and entertainment events
  • learn more about the sports and entertainment industries
  • examine endorsements and sponsorships
Veterinary Science 12

This course satisfies the Specialized Science 12 requirements.

Lions and tigers and bears (oh my!) Whether you want to step into the wild side of veterinary medicine or just take care of the furry dogs and cats down your street, Veterinary Science 12: The Care of Animals will show you how to care for domestic, farm, and wild animals and diagnose their common diseases and ailments. Learn how different veterinary treatments are used and developed to improve the lives of animals and, as a result, the lives of those people who treasure them. If you have always been drawn to the world of our furry, scaly, and feathered friends, this may be just the course for you!

Course Highlights

  • discover the workplace routine inside a vet office
  • explore career options in the field of veterinary science
  • investigate large animal and exotic animal care and treatments
  • examine diseases and illnesses that can spread between humans and animals
World Religions 12

Prerequisite: Social Studies 10

This course satisfies Comparative World Religions 12 requirements.

From Taoism, to Islam, to Christianity, religion inevitably affects us all in some way. On one level, religion can help us commune with and honor our spiritual natures, but it can also divide people and create great strife in the world. World Religions: Exploring Diversity will explore the various characteristics of faith and introduce the fundamentals of the major religions, including Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Shintoism, and Taoism. You’ll trace how these powerful faiths have influenced cultures over thousands of years and helped to shape the face of humanity. After this course, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how religion continues to affect the larger world.

Course Highlights

  • identify some of the common elements and benefits of religion
  • explore the beliefs and values of religions around the world
  • examine religious practices and rituals
  • analyze the history and sacred texts of religions around the world

Key Points to Know

Do you offer summer school courses?

iLearn’s summer school program is an expedited version (6-week) of the course with many of the same major tests and assignments. Summer courses mainly focus on the key ideas taught in the curriculum. Most courses are available in a summer school format. Head to our Summer School page for more info.

What is the Career Life Connections Course?

The Career Life Connections course is a mandatory course for grade twelve students to plan for life after graduation.

Is there a grad ceremony?

Yes, iLearn holds a graduation ceremony for full-time students who have completed their grade twelve requirements and have earned a B.C. Dogwood Diploma.

How do I share my transcript with universities?

For students to share their B.C. high school transcript with a university, the student needs to create a BCeID. A link to BCeID can be found here

Where can I find iLearn’s tuition rates?

Please see our Tuition page for the most up-to-date tuition information.

Can I take your online courses and still stay at my existing school?

Yes, students are welcome to cross-enroll with us and either take a couple courses or take all their courses with us as their homeschool.

How do I meet with my teacher?

All meetings with teachers will be held via video conferencing (Zoom and/or Google Meet). Students will be invited to class and/or drop-in sessions via Google Calendar.

Students can sign up for office hours using their teacher’s Calendly link, which can be found on their syllabus and in their teacher’s email signature. Under normal circumstances, students can meet with their teacher and attend class in person at our brick and mortar location.

Can I rewrite tests?

If students would like to improve their test grade they may write a re-test. Re-tests can be written any time before the final exam or course end date. You will receive an average of the two attempts as your final mark for the test.

When do I get my report card?

Interim report cards will be sent at the point indicated on the course syllabus. Final report cards will be sent within 10 days of course completion.

What happens if I fall behind?

Students set the pace with their teacher at the beginning of the course and check-in with their teacher each week to revise the plan as needed. Once a month, iReports will be emailed to students, parents/guardians, and/or tutors if students are failing, behind schedule, or not meeting student expectations.

When does a course show up on my transcript?

iLearn courses will appear on students’ transcripts if they continue with their course beyond the 14-day withdrawal deadline. Students’ transcripts will be updated by their home school. To answer any transcript inquiries please email [email protected].

Do you provide any university planning options for students?

Our team is prepared to help with education planning to make sure students understand the high school requirements needed to be admitted to certain post-secondary programs.

How quickly are assignments and tests marked?

All assignments and tests are marked with feedback in under 7-10 days. In extraordinary circumstances, marking may take a couple additional days. All grades and feedback can be found on the Grades page of the student dashboard.

How to Get Started

First, we need to know if you are eligible for your courses. Eligible students will be emailed with application steps to complete. Once all steps are completed, each student will be invited to an orientation with their teacher.

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Submit your eligibility information online.

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Follow steps provided in your eligibility email.

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Meet your teacher and start the course.

Check Eligibility
The best students for iLearn would be those who want to learn independently and go the extra mile, not only educating oneself for post-secondary but educating oneself for life. Not all students are ready for independence but for those who attend iLearn will be more prepared for life after graduation. No one in college or university tells you when to sit in class or do work, it’s all on you. Thanks to iLearn, I can schedule time and track assignments, which, in university, will pile up if you cannot schedule your time well. Where most find it hard, I was fully prepared to work with my professors and build rapport. iLearn helped me build the skills I needed to tackle bad habits like procrastination.



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