AP Courses Overview
AP courses are Advanced Placement credits approved by the College Board for students to learn college-level content while in high school. Students in AP can earn dual credits (up to 8 credits per course) towards graduation and, additionally, earn post-secondary credits after achieving a strong grade on the (optional) AP exam. Please note this is applicable for many, but not all U.S. and Canadian universities.
Courses We Offer
Online curriculum, progressive course options, and a personalized learning plan allows our teachers to focus on a student-centered teaching style. By offering all resources digitally, students have 24/7 access to their educational content.
See Graduation Requirements
AP Biology
Prerequisite: Biology 11 (Chemistry 11 recommended)
Required materials:
- Any 1st year college level textbook. The recommended ones are:
- Campbell Biology, 11th ed. Jane B. Reece et al.
- Principles of Life, 3rd ed. David M. Hillis et al
- A lab kit.
Students receive credit for two courses: AP Biology and Anatomy & Physiology 12 (8 credits). Students who score well on the AP exam may also earn entry-level college credits.
Learn what makes up life. This AP course will cover processes and theories that we understand about living organisms and other biological systems. You will study micro and macro cell biology, evolution, and how living systems respond to their environments. This course helps you to understand how energy is created and flows through natural systems, as well as how scientific data is handled and reported. Measure your understanding with frequent assessments as you progress through each activity. This course is great for students who plan to pursue a career in science, health sciences, or engineering.
Course Content
- Chemistry of Life
- Cell Structure and Function
- Cellular Energetics
- Cell Communication and Cell Cycle
- Heredity
- Gene Expression and Regulation
- Natural Selection
- Ecology
AP Chemistry
Prerequisite: Chemistry 11
Required materials:
- Any 1st year college level textbook. The recommended ones are: (older editions are fine)
- Chemistry, 10th ed. Steven S. Zumdahl and Donald J. DeCoste.
- Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter, 7th ed. Neil D. Jespersen, James E. Brady and Alison Hyslop.
- A lab kit.
Students receive credit for two courses: Chemistry 12 and AP Chem 12 (8 credits). Students who score well on the AP exam may also earn entry-level college credits.
Chemical reactions occur everywhere all the time. In this AP Chemistry class, you’ll study states of matter, molecular forces, and perform hands-on investigations to see calculations become calculated reactions. AP Chemistry exposes students to deeper topics on nature and the reactivity of matter. By studying the chemical and physical properties of various materials, you will understand the arrangement of molecules and their bonding forces. You will study changes in matter and the laws of thermodynamics as you tackle labs that help form a physical understanding from theory. AP Chemistry is best for students who are preparing for a career or further schooling in science, health science, or engineering.
Note From CollegeBoard: Save notebooks and reports; colleges may ask to see them before granting you credit.
Course Content
- Atomic Structure and Properties
- Molecular and Ionic Compound Structure and Properties
- Intermolecular Forces and Properties
- Chemical Reactions
- Kinetics
- Thermodynamics
- Equilibrium
- Acids and Bases
- Applications of Thermodynamics
AP Environmental Science
Prerequisite: Any Science 11
Students receive credit for two courses: AP Environmental Science and Environmental Science 12 . Students who score well on the AP exam may also earn entry-level college credits.
Study the intertwined relationships between nature and its ecosystem. In this course you will explore the role biodiversity plays in local ecosystems as well as topics on energy resources, pollution, and global temperature changes. AP Environmental Science is a unique blend of subjects including biology, chemistry, geology, and other related environmental topics. Learn about ecological pyramids, renewable and non renewable resources, land use, technological advancements, and how they all affect sustainability. By the end of this course you will have a better understanding of Earth’s natural systems, cycles, and interrelationships between organisms and their environment. AP Environmental Science is best for students interested in pursuing further study in science, health, and engineering.
Note From CollegeBoard: Save notebooks and reports; colleges may ask to see them before granting you credit.
Course Content
- The Living World: Ecosystems
- The Living World: Biodiversity
- Populations
- Earth Systems and Resources
- Land and Water Use
- Energy Resources and Consumption
- Atmospheric Pollution
- Aquatic and Terrestrial Pollution
- Global Change
AP Microeconomics
Prerequisite: Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10 (FMPC 10)
Optional materials:
- Textbook: Microeconomics for Today, 10th ed. Irvin B. Tucker
Students receive credit for ONE courses: AP Microeconomics (4 credits) AND, if the student also completes AP Macroeconomics, the student can earn credits for Economics 12 (4 credits). Students who score well on the AP exam may also earn entry-level college credits.
AP Microeconomics is a deep dive into the graphs and charts of economic occurrences. In this AP course you will learn about supply and demand, competition, and the role of government in the economy. You will study the behaviour of individuals and businesses through their exchange of goods and services and spot patterns that persist under certain conditions. You will be studying the economic way of thinking and measuring the effects of scarcity, competition, government actions, and fluctuations in interest rates. AP Microeconomics is best for students who are pursuing further study in business, political science, history, and of course, economics.
Course Content
- Basic Economic Concepts
- Supply and Demand
- Production, Cost, and the Perfect Competition Model
- Imperfect Competition
- Factor Markets
- Market Failure and the Role of Government
AP Statistics
Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus 11 OR Math 11 Foundations
Required materials:
- TI-89, TI-84 Plus, TI-83, or TI-83 Plus calculator or equivalent. (Note that you may not be able to use online alternatives on the tests)
Optional materials:
- Textbook: (older editions are fine)
- Barron’s AP Statistics, 10th ed. Martin Sternstein
- Introduction to Probability & Statistics, 15th ed. William Mendenhall, Robert J. Beaver, and Barbara M. Beaver
Students receive credit for two courses: AP Statistics and Statistics 12. Students who score well on the AP exam may also earn entry-level college credits.
Statistical concepts are crucial tools for gathering, organizing, and analyzing data. This AP Statistics course will explore surveys and experiments to help make sense of data and place percentages on probabilistic outcomes. Build hands-on experience interpreting real data and effectively display data to be analyzed. Review the quality of data from polls and other surveys by reviewing the questions, the audience sample, and the overall quality of its findings. Statistics are used in just about every field to determine, with measured certainty, the accuracy of information. For this reason, AP Statistics is excellent for students pursuing a career in science, business, economics, political science, geography, medicine, sociology, engineering, and so many more!
Course Content
- Exploring One-Variable Data
- Exploring Two-Variable Data
- Collecting Data
- Probability, Random Variables, and Probability Distributions
- Sampling Distributions
- Inference for Categorical Data: Proportions
- Inference for Quantitative Data: Means
- Inference for Categorical Data: Chi-Square
- Inference for Quantitative Data: Slopes
AP Calculus AB
Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus 11 & must be enrolled in Pre-Calculus 12 as a co-requisite (strong grades in prerequisite courses is recommended at 86%+ average).
Required materials:
- TI-89, TI-84 Plus, TI-83, or TI-83 Plus calculator or equivalent. (Note that you may not be able to use online alternatives on the tests)
Optional materials:
- Textbook: (older editions are fine)
- Calculus: Single Variable, 8th ed. James Stewart
- Cracking the AP Calculus AB Exam, 2020 Edition. Princeton Review.
Students receive credit for two courses: Calculus 12 and AP Calculus 12 (8 credits). Students who score well on the AP exam may also earn entry-level college credits.
AP Calculus AB is an excellent way to stand out on university applications and get ahead in post-secondary courses. In this course you will study graphs of curves using mathematical formulas, find patterns in sets of numbers, and use mathematical reasoning to understand real-world models. You will also explore many applications of differential and integral calculus to sharpen your math skills. AP Calculus AB is best for students who aspire to become scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.
Course Content
- Limits and Continuity
- Differentiation: Definition and Fundamental Properties
- Differentiation: Composite, Implicit, and Inverse Functions
- Contextual Applications of Differentiation
- Analytical Applications of Differentiation
- Integration and Accumulation of Change
- Differential Equations
- Applications of Integration
AP English Literature and Composition
Prerequisite: English 11
Required materials:
Students receive credit for two courses: AP English and English Studies 12 (8 credits). Students who score well on the AP exam may also earn entry-level college credits.
Read and write like a college student. This course tests critical readings skills, poetry analysis abilities, and your understanding of literary concepts found in short fiction, fiction, or drama. Immerse yourself in plays, novels, poems, and stories through AP Literature. Through writing assignments and readings from various ages and cultures, students gain reading comprehension and critical analysis skills. This course is best for students heading towards a career in creative writing, communications, journalism, literature, and composition.
Course Content
- Short Fiction I
- Poetry I
- Longer Fiction or Drama I
- Short Fiction II
- Poetry II
- Longer Fiction or Drama II
- Short Fiction III
- Poetry III
- Longer Fiction or Drama III
AP Macroeconomics
Prerequisite: Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10 (FMPC 10)
Optional materials:
- Textbook: (older editions are fine)
- Macroeconomics for Today, 10th ed. Irvin B. Tucker
Students receive credit for ONE course: AP Macroeconomics (4 credits) AND, if the student also completes AP Microeconomics, the student can earn credits for Economics 12 (4 credits). Students who score well on the AP exam may also earn entry-level college credits.
Understand the major influences of our economic system. In AP macroeconomics, students will learn how to use graphs and charts to understand economic data. By the end of this course, students will learn about GDP, the financial sector, and the effects of an open versus closed economy. You will also discuss and quantify the influence of government institutions on individuals through employment, fiscal spending, inflation, taxes, and more. AP Macroeconomics is a great class for students with an interest in finance or for students pursuing a career in banking, politics, or as an economist.
Course Content
- Basic Economic Concepts
- Economic Indicators and the Business Cycle
- National Income and Price Determination
- Financial Sector
- Long-Run Consequences of Stabilization Policies
- Open Economy—International Trade and Finance
AP Psychology
Prerequisite: Science 10
Required materials:
- Textbook: (older editions are fine)
- Psychology, 12th ed. David G. Myers
Students receive credit for two courses: AP Psychology Credit and Psychology 12 credit (BAA Course). Students who score well on the AP exam may also earn entry-level college credits.
The brain is a fascinating organ. Learn the theories and scientific studies performed by early psychologists that formed a basis for our understanding of psychology today. Study behaviours and mental processes by analyzing relevant research studies to understand how people think. In this course you will follow the progression of the brain as it grows in stages throughout early childhood to adulthood. By the end of this course you will have a deeper understanding of human qualities like aggression, altruism, intimacy, and self-reflection as well as picking up some tips on how to retain information and how the brain processes stimuli. This course is best for students pursuing a career in psychology, life sciences, and other similar routes.
Course Content
- Scientific Foundations of Psychology
- Biological Bases of Behavior
- Sensation and Perception
- Learning
- Cognitive Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Motivation, Emotion, and Personality
- Clinical Psychology
- Social Psychology
Key Points to Know
Where can I find iLearn’s AP tuition rates?
Please see our Tuition page for the most up-to-date tuition information.
**NOTE: AP courses are priced separately and cannot be added to other offers.
How do I take AP exams?
Exams will be taken either at our campus, with one of our partners, or with an approved test writing centre. AP exams are optional and subject to a $350 examination fee. For students outside of the lower mainland, speak with our admin team for help signing up for AP exams.
I go to a different school, can I take these courses and still stay at my existing school?
Yes, students are welcome to cross-enroll with us for AP courses and any other courses you would like to take online.
How do I meet with my teacher?
All meetings with teachers will be held via video conferencing (Zoom and/or Google Meet). Students will be invited to classes and drop-in sessions via Google Calendar.
Students can sign up for office hours using their teacher’s Calendar link, which can be found on their syllabus and in their teacher’s email signature. Under normal circumstances, students can meet with their teacher and attend class in person at our brick and mortar location.
Are your policies the same in AP courses as regular courses?
Most our policies will remain unchanged, although there are some slight modifications. For instance, AP students are given five months compared the the normal four months. Your teacher will go over the AP policies at the beginning of the course.
Are AP courses only for students who excel?
AP courses are advanced courses intended to be more difficult than grade 12 courses. So, although students are not required to have strong grades, students with a good understanding of the prerequisite subject matter or a keen interest in the AP topic, find AP courses more manageable.
At what grade can I enroll in AP courses?
Students who have completed the prerequisite courses with a strong understand of the course content are encouraged to take AP courses. Once the prerequisites are met, any student can take an AP course.
How can I prepare to be successful in an AP course?
Students who are most successful in AP courses are often highly competent in the prerequisite subject matter and have a strong work ethic. Ultimately, students with a keen interest in the subject matter, strong family support, and an ability to advocate for themselves, are excellent candidates for AP courses.
Make sure you have enough time and a quiet place to study to complete the course. It’s important you can be focused without being overloaded with other commitments.
How many AP courses should I take?
Students can take a maximum of two AP courses per year. We strongly encourage students to try one AP course before enrolling in more than one at a time.
How to Get Started
First, we need to know if you are eligible for your courses. Eligible students will be emailed with application steps to complete. Once all steps are completed, each student will be invited to an orientation with their teacher.
Submit your eligibility information online.
Follow steps provided in your eligibility email.
Meet your teacher and start the course.

AP courses are an excellent way to get ahead. Although AP courses are not for everyone, the students who do complete AP courses get ahead in university and earn more credits in less time, so it's worth it if you put in the work!
Tyler Lymburner