Accessibility Plan

iLearn Secondary School Accessibility Plan

As a Prescribed Organization under the BC Accessibility Act (2021), iLearn Secondary School is required to form an Accessibility Plan. As outlined on the Accessibility BC website (, iLearn will meet the three requirements of the act in the following manner:

  1. Committee: To meet the committee requirements of the Act, iLearn is using the committee struck by the Associate Member Society of the FISABC, of which we are a member. On a local level, the Emergency Preparedness and Safety Committee will be dealing with accessibility matters.
  2. Plan: iLearn will take the following steps in the 2023/24 school year:
  • We will do an initial assessment of the level of accessibility in our school to identify strengths and needs.
  • We will meet the requirements of the Accessibility Act by formulating this plan and posting it on the school website.
  1. Feedback: Anyone with feedback on accessibility at iLearn is invited to email the Principal, Saima Naz, at [email protected] or telephone at 604-590-5504.

Updated September 1, 2024

Accessibility Plan for iLearn Secondary School  

Under the BC Accessibility Act

  1. Introduction

At iLearn Secondary School, we are committed to creating an inclusive and accessible learning environment for all students, staff, and community members. In compliance with the BC Accessibility Act, this plan outlines our strategy for identifying, preventing, and removing barriers to ensure equitable access to our services, facilities, and learning resources.

  1. Our Commitment

We strive to provide an educational experience where everyone can succeed, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. We recognize that accessibility is an ongoing process, and we are dedicated to continuous improvement, consultation, and adaptation to ensure accessibility for all.

  1. Accessibility Goals
  • Equitable Access to Online Learning
    Ensure that all learning materials, online platforms, and communication tools are accessible to students with disabilities, including those with visual, auditory, physical, and cognitive impairments.
  • Inclusive Policies
    Develop and maintain policies that ensure inclusion and accessibility are at the forefront of our decision-making, covering all aspects of the school’s operations.
  • Training and Awareness
    Provide ongoing training for staff and educators to ensure they are aware of accessibility needs and equipped to support students with diverse abilities.
  • Student Support Services
    Ensure students with disabilities have access to appropriate accommodations and support services, including but not limited to assistive technologies, flexible learning formats, and individualized education plans (IEPs).
  • Accessible Communications
    Ensure that all communications (emails, announcements, online resources, etc.) are available in accessible formats, including screen reader compatibility, alternative text for images, and captioning for videos.
  1. Barrier Identification and Removal
  • Consultation with Stakeholders
    We will consult regularly with students, parents, staff, and community organizations to identify barriers and areas for improvement.
  • Assessment and Audits
    Conduct periodic accessibility audits of our online platforms and educational materials to identify barriers and ensure compliance with accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG 2.1).
  • Physical and Virtual Accessibility
    For any in-person events, ensure that facilities are accessible. For virtual environments, ensure that all learning tools are compatible with assistive technologies.
  1. Action Plan
Area Action Timeline Responsibility
Online Platforms Implement WCAG 2.1 standards for website accessibility Ongoing IT Department
Learning Materials Provide alternative formats (e.g., audio, large print) Ongoing Curriculum Designers
Staff Training Conduct regular accessibility awareness and best practices training Annually HR/Training Team
Feedback Channels Establish a feedback process for accessibility-related concerns Ongoing Admin Team
Student Support Enhance accommodations for students with disabilities Ongoing Student Services Team
  1. Feedback Mechanism

We encourage students, staff, and community members to provide feedback on accessibility-related concerns. Feedback can be submitted through our website, email, or by contacting the school’s administration.

  1. Monitoring and Review

This Accessibility Plan will be reviewed annually to assess progress, incorporate feedback, and make necessary adjustments to continue meeting the needs of our diverse community.

  1. Contact Information

Anyone with feedback on accessibility at iLearn is invited to email the Principal, Saima Naz, at [email protected] or telephone at 604-590-5504.